I hope browser will also be ready for it.
Html5 is created in such a way that it will be backward compatibility.
it will have html + xml as their base.
in html4 we are writting <html>
but as per rule html 5 should be written as follows.
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”>
* meta elements are replaced.<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=urf-8″>
<meta charset=”utf-8″>
in html5 their no necessary to use doctype. as everything is going to handle with xml.
Following are the new elements are added in html5
1.sections. - generic document or application sections.
2.article - this represent independant piece of contents.
3.aside - piece of content which is only sightly related to whole document.
4.header - header of the section.
5.footer - footer of the section
6.nav - represent a section of the document for navigation.
7.dialog - used for conversation
8.figure - its kind of embed function used for video or graphics
9.audio video these are elements used for showing audio / video.
11. m - represent marked text
12. meter - used disk usage.
13. time - represent time of the page.
14. convas - is used to create dynamic bitmap images on the fly.
15. command - used to invoke commands which user will invoke.
16. datagrid - represent an interactive representational of tree list.
17. details - this will shows additional informtion
18. datalist to used to represent to make comboboxes see the following example.
<input list=”browser”>
<datalist id=”browser”>
<option value=”1″>1</option>
<option value=”2″>2<option>
19. datatemplate, rule, nest - used for templating mechanism.
20. event-source - is used to to catch server sent events.
21. output - it is used for some sort of scripting calculation.
22. input type has following new values.
New attributes