Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Top 50 Best Programming Languages

In my years of experience in software development, I wandered around which is the best programming language. I’d been involved in Oracle based application but there are programming languages out there that excels in their fields.

Amazon Unspun provides methods for community collaboration on the Web to develop consensus ranking. For the Best Programming Languages, here are the rankings.

Top 50 Best Programming Languages

1. Ruby
2. Pythou
3. Java
4. Lisp
5. C
6. Smalltalk
7. APL
8. Perl
9. C++
10. PHP
11. Javascript
12. C#
13. Haskell
14. Objective-C
15. Scheme
16. J
17. Erlang
18. Algol
19. SQL
20. Pascal
21. Basic
22. Fortran
23. Delphi
24. Ada
25. K
26. Snobol
27. Assembler
28. Visual Basic
29. D
30. Coldfusion
31. O’Caml
32. Brainfuck
33. Forth
34. Cobol
35. Icon
36. Standard ML
37. IO
38. Groovy
39. Prolog
40. Logo
41. Lua
42. Powebuilder
43. F#
44. R
45. Providex
46. Dylan
47. ToonTalk
48. Var’AQ
49. Comal
50. MOO